Custom architectural precast concrete is where we shine – window surrounds, wall panels, arches, signage and public art. CUSTOM is our favourite word. We create the impossible for our clients!
We have had many creative customers over the years who have brought us new challenges. We put our own creative minds to work to come up with a “Concrete Solution” to fill their needs. We have done very small, very large and very complex pieces. We are good at matching colours, contours and existing building elements. Each new project brings new problems to solve – we are up for the challenge.
Sanderson Concrete is the leading producer of custom architectural precast in Western Canada, and we have noticed that the demand for customized precast increased exponentially. Our collaboration with leading engineers, architects, contractors, and designers has produced architectural pieces of superior level, detail and quality.
Cast Stone
Window Surrounds
Lintels & Sills
Sill & Lintel
Historical Creations
From curved sills to cast stones, our masonry contractor clients are assured of the highest standards when it comes to our formwork.
Site Furnishing
Public Spaces
Ping Pong Tables
Durable colour-fast playing surface
The demand for precast in the outdoor living space sector has increased exponentially. When manufacturing architectural pieces used as furniture, the importance of precise casting, produces a superior level of detail and finish quality.
Treads & Steps
Custom Shapes & Sizes
Precast Concrete Stair Treads
Stainless Nose Treads
Tactile Nosings for Treads & Steps
Large or Small Flights
Stair Treads
Our fabrication mould shops and architectural capabilities allow for small custom details, and large production runs from exposed aggregate treads to custom colours and shapes.
Bollards & Security
Public Spaces
Controlling unwanted access to our buildings and public spaces has become a necessity in our modern world. But adding a custom design to bollards creates an aesthetically pleasing design.
Art & Signage
Public Spaces
Custom precast signs for businesses, schools and parks
Art Installations
Concrete can be cast into various shapes and sizes, including signs for businesses, logos, and plaques cast into furniture, public art, and sculptures.
Oversized & Custom Pavers
Civil & Parks
High-end landscape and public spaces
Large Slab & Paver
Architects & City Planners
Custom pavers can add a distinctive flair to high-end landscape and public spaces. Rather than using ordinary pavers and patio slabs, our architectural and landscape clients are increasingly turning precast concrete pavers with custom colours and finishes.